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A way Technology is helping through Fiverr!

Technology with Fiverr

Technology has the power to shape our future and has been doing just that for quite some time now. It is no different with Fiverr.

Fiverr is an online marketplace for freelance services. It has a broad range of low-cost providers from all over the world and offers a streamlined process for people looking to hire or get hired as freelancers.

The online marketplace cuts out the middleman or HR departments and gives freelancers control, freedom, options over their schedules and finances. When you combine freelancing with technology, you get a new way of making money that breaks the traditional job structure in order to provide more opportunities for people who want them!

What is Fiverr?

Fiverr was founded in 2010 and has grown to be worth over 700 million dollars with more than 2.3 million sellers from all around the world using the platform.

They have sold services that range anywhere between five bucks (the original price) to hundreds of dollars.

The site offers service providers from all different backgrounds, and it is the online marketplace where people come for either Graphic design, translation, writing services, transcriptions, voiceover work, and much more. 

It essentially makes it easier for entrepreneurs or companies to get what they need in a timely manner without having to pay a tonne of money.

Fiverr is especially helpful for startups, small businesses, and entrepreneurs because it can help them grow their business by spending less on hiring or getting hired as freelancers.

In the same lens, it helps entrepreneurs create a source of income for themselves, in the sense that they create their jobs, schedules, and work from anywhere, allowing them to be in control of their time and finances.

Fiverr’s low prices and flexible hours make it an attractive option for many entrepreneurs around the world.

How does Fiverr work?

Fiverr has an easy sign-up process with no qualifications required unless you provide technical or much more advanced services.

To which Fiverr provides a screening or testing process that you have to take before providing said service. Once you have taken your test, you can now make your Ad/Gig public.

Technology - Fiverr

The premise of this platform is to:

  • Sign up for free: Create a “Gig” (in other words a job or an Ad), and offer your work to our global audience.
  • Provide the service when booked: You get notified when you get an order/job request so you can discuss details with customers when necessary.
  • Get paid: The payment is transferred to you upon order completion (usually after 24-48 hours and 14 days for your first payment).

In the beginning, all gigs on Fiverr were priced at $5. Now freelancers can charge any amount they desire or offer packages of services instead of one task for a set fee.

The delivery time will depend on the seller, but processing times for orders typically range from 1-2 days or depending on the task’s complexity.

How has technology made this type of interaction possible?

There is no doubt that this type of service has been made available through technology. Fiverr or freelancing platforms, in general, have afforded our generation new styles and tools for other sources of income.

Technology has been the key driving force behind Fiverr’s success, by connecting freelancers and clients. Almost like bringing the supply and demand to the same platform, making it easier for both parties to get what they want, to be more productive.

Freelancing on Fiverr can be a way to make some extra cash on the side to survive and get by from day-to-day, or maybe turn it into a full-time income just like Alex has been able to do.

Who is Alex you might ask? Alex is a 28 years old living in New York City and provides Freelance services on Fiverr.

Alex was recently featured in the CNBC Make it segment in 2021 for crossing the six figures mark solely with her freelance work.

Alex offers a variety of services around writing, from Blog post writing, eBook writing, proofreading, and much more. Through consistency and hard work over the years, she has been able to cross the 300k mark in a year, solely with freelance work.

Here are some tips she provided on how to be successful as a freelancer on Fiverr (Featured on Charlie Chang video).

  • Uploading a picture of yourself or a video when creating your gig, to make sure potential customers can attach a face to the service they are getting from you.
  • It is important that your image (Profile picture) looks professional and also make sure you have a thorough description of the services you offer. This is called branding, making sure you present yourself in the best light possible and making sure all the odds are on your side.
  • How to stand out? Advertize yourself and strive for those 5 stars reviews, they are social proofs and show other future clients that they can trust you with the work that needs to be done.
  • Check out the buyer’s request, a Fiverr’s exclusive feature allowing the freelancer to approach the potential customer about the task they need help with.
  • Be as responsive as possible, download the Fiverr app on your phone to get notifications of potential gigs.

In the video, Alex discloses the most amount of money she’s ever made as a freelancer, and the amount is pretty shocking. She has been able to reach the 36k~37k/month mark.

Even more shocking is the fact that her revenue went up in 2020 during the worldwide dilemma that shook the world. Even then, she was still able to increase her revenue while working from home.

How to sign up on Fiverr?

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Join (For both freelancing or customers)
  3. Type your email or choose the best option for you

After reading about Alex and what she’s accomplished so far, I decided to put it to the test.

So I created an Ad on Fiverr (Wish me luck!) This is where I will provide writing services, writing about topics like this one, mostly about tech, science, or lifestyle.

You can check out my ad here: Hire me!
Or read more content written by me here.

You can check out my Gig here: 

Once I’ve had the ad/Gig running for about a month, I will be back here to update this post and let you know how it went, and hopefully, I can share more details about my experience on Fiverr.

As an Entrepreneur/Freelancer on my own platform, having entrepreneurial skills come with lots of pros. Some being able to work from home or anywhere, being able to dictate how much you could make, how much work you want to take on, and many other pros such as:

  • Having the luxury of shaping your workday in any way you choose.
  • Another benefit of being a freelancer is that you can determine how much you work. You can also select the projects you take on, meaning your work will be more fulfilling and meaningful than it would be in a traditional full-time position.
  • Freelance jobs offer independence. Not only are you free of the cubicle and 9-to-5 work life, but you also have the ability to work alone, and for the most part, where you are most comfortable doing so.

According to Upwork’s “Freelancing in America” survey, 56.7 million Americans freelanced in 2018, up 3.7 million from 2014. That’s more than 1 in 3 people freelancing.

How to promote yourself on and off Fiverr

-You can promote yourself on Fiverr by using the Freelancer Dashboard to showcase your work. This is where you can post a video, add photos, and create listings for services you offer!

-You can use Social Media to connect with customers, posting great content about Fiverr on relevant social media channels (on behalf of Fiver) will always get noticed by an audience.

-Build a Website! In order to know how to market yourself in the modern age, you need a website. It is easier and cheaper than it has ever been to make one. The website can be used for blogging.

Blogging is one of the most powerful online tools that provide an inexpensive way to (among many other things) market oneself.

Are there any Fiverr alternatives?

Note that Freelancing can be done on your website or many other platforms, not only on Fiverr.

Fiverr just happens to be one of the largest platforms allowing people to make money out of their talents.

There are many other freelancing platforms, the ones that come to mind right after Fiverr are Upwork, Toptal, 99designs, and many more.

  • Upwork: This is another website that connects businesses with freelancers all over the world. According to the website’s description, Upwork provides new ways for businesses to use individual skills without having to hire staff.
  • Toptal: This is a global remote company that also provides a freelancing platform, connecting businesses with mostly software engineers, designers, finance experts, product managers, and project managers. The company has no headquarters it seems.
  • 99designs: They claim to be the global creative platform for custom graphic design: logos, websites, and more. You can hire a talented designer or start a design contest. 500k+ happy customers have used 99designs to grow their business so far.

By now, we can agree that technology, through Fiverr, is changing companies’ screening processes when it comes to outsourcing talent.

Allowing freelancers to prove themselves and make a name for themselves. Whether through advertising or their work.

This has created flexible, temporary or long-term, freelance jobs. It benefits workers, businesses, and consumers by making work more adaptable to the needs of the moment and demand for flexible lifestyles.

Don’t forget to check out my Gig on Fiverr, especially if you need a blog post or simply just a normal article. Click here!

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