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Goodbye Internet Explorer & hello new Microsoft edge!

Internet Explorer vs Microsoft Edge

For over 25 years, Internet Explorer has been an integral part of the internet world, helping every internet user browse the web, whether for work, leisure, or school. But with Microsoft Edge release around 2015~2016 and its ability to provide better compatibility, streamlined productivity, and enhanced browser security, it is time for us to say goodbye to Internet Explorer and say hello to Microsoft Edge!

On May 19, 2021, Microsoft announced that the Internet Explorer application/browser would officially be retired and go out of support on June 15, 2022.

PS: This retirement does not affect in-market Windows 10 LTSC or Server Internet Explorer 11 desktop applications. It also does not affect the MSHTML (Trident) engine.

Microsoft Edge is not only faster, more secure, and easier to navigate than Internet Explorer, but it also has features that make it the best choice for savvy users.

For instance, Microsoft Edge alone is able to address compatibility with older websites and applications better than Internet Explorer at least.
Microsoft Edge includes a useful feature called “IE-mode” which keeps older websites and apps in perfect working condition. The applications work the same way they used to work in Internet Explorer.

One thing Microsoft took into consideration was the complete transition. Although almost five years late, but they were able to ensure compatibility with older applications. This change allows for a smooth transition from the old browser to the new one.

Internet Explorer vs Microsoft Edge

Here are three reasons highlighted by Microsoft as to why this change made sense:

Better compatibility

Microsoft Edge is the only web browser on both desktop and mobile with built-in compatibility for legacy Internet Explorer, providing an unmatched dual-engine advantage when it comes to website support.

It also offers a streamlined productivity experience with its fast Office Online integration, tabbed browsing, and real-time language translation. Microsoft Edge is also built on the Chromium project, the technology that powers many of today’s top browsers.


When managing different browser needs, whether, by your own preference or due to compatibility, Microsoft Edge now offers a solution. When websites or apps require a specific web browser, it can be time-consuming to switch back and forth to consequently update content in both windows.

So if you find yourself juggling with Internet Explorer or any other browser because of an outdated public webpage or internal work app’s requirements, then you can use Edge, which comes complete with its own productivity enhancer: Microsoft Edge’s dual-engine.

Microsoft also claims that Edge has and will have modern features that Internet Explorer did not have.


According to Microsoft, roughly 579 password attacks are attempted every second. So a browser that’s fast and up to date is definitely needed!

One of the biggest differences is the fact that Edge can provide security updates within days or hours. Whereas Internet Explorer would provide updates monthly.

Your web browser is your primary connection to the internet, and depending on your online activities, multiple other programs/applications may rely on it in order for them to function. This is the reason why browser security is an important part when it comes to a good browser, and it is good to see that Microsoft improved this part of the development.

As of now, you will automatically be redirected to Microsoft Edge when sending a query from Internet explorer. Granted, you already have it installed on your device. And if you have not installed it yet, you will be prompted to do so.

It is advised to download Microsoft Edge (here) to start enjoying a faster, more secure, and more modern browsing experience.

Once you have opted into moving to Microsoft Edge, it is easier to bring over your passwords, favorites, and other browsing data from Internet Explorer in a few clicks.

The Microsoft team understands that the Internet Explorer browser is a very old product and has been around for nearly 25 years. However, it was the go-to browser, the fastest and most secure up until six years ago.

So it is safe to say that we can trust the Microsoft team at this point because they know what they are doing. It should be no exception with Microsoft edge. It was time to move on from it, even with all of its features. Welcome Edge with open arms, and let’s all hope for the best!

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